Weight Loss Treatment - Best Gastro Specialist Surgery & Hospital in Bangalore
I eat less but I still put on weight. Is it possible?
The food we eat gives us energy in calories, and energy used to do any work is counted in calories. Once you understand this, consider the following to be true in almost all conditions:
- Calories consumed = Calories used = No weight gain
- Calories consumed > Calories used = Weight gain
- Calories consumed < Calories used = Weight loss
You might feel you are eating less, but if you consume high calorie food, then you are likely gain weight. Most times, snacking in between food itself gives enough calories for the day.
There are different Methods of weight loss treatment.
a) 5:2 diet
b) Atkins diet
c) Dukan diet
d) Paleolithic diet
You can also read detailed article on weight reduction
2. Medicine (ORLISTAT)
Anti-obesity medication should only be considered after diet, behavioural changes and exercise have been tried and evaluated. If the patient’s weight has reached a plateau despite these measures, or if targets have not been achieved, pharmacological treatment may be considered.
3. Surgery
The surgery is an invaluable first step in the quest for weight loss. This also means one is committing all his/her life for healthy lifestyle.
Bariatric (weight loss) surgery is no longer considered cosmetic surgery. It is preventive surgery at its best or curative surgery at the least.
What are the indications for weight loss surgery?
- BMI >37.5
- BMI > 32.5 with co morbidities (hypertension, diabetes, sleep apnea, severe arthritis)
- If ones BMI is >50, then surgery is recommended before trying a diet.
What are the benefits of weight loss surgery?
Bariatric surgery significantly increases not only a person’s survival rate but also the quality of life. Life expectancy is significantly increased in these people. ( Bariatric Sleeve Surgery in Bangalore )
What are the different kinds of weight loss surgery?
The above two are the most common procedures. New evidence suggests that sleeve gastrectomy is as beneficial as gastric bypass in motivated patients with less immediate and long-term complications. Hence, it has emerged as the first choice in India. ( Gastric Band Surgery in Bangalore )
For further reading
A point to remember
The bariatric sleeve surgery in Bangalore can be a better alternative for patients who are too heavy for the gastric bypass surgery. The sleeve surgery is best carried out on patients who have a BMI of 40 at least.
Changes in your eating habits
There are a few things your need to follow if you undergo the bariatric sleeve surgery in Bangalore. On the first day post operation, you will be given only nutritive fluids. For the first 4 weeks patients are given protein shakes and later you can switch over to normal food gradually. But patients who will or who have already undergone the bariatric sleeve surgery in Bangalore have to follow some rules pertaining to your diet and eating habit:
Risks for sleeve surgery
At times, after the bariatric sleeve surgery in Bangalore, patients may have problems with receiving sufficient nutrition due to their newly constructed stomach. For that, regular intake of vitamins and other supplements are necessary.To get the best results from your bariatric sleeve surgery in Bangalore, follow your surgeon’s advice before and after the surgery.As the bariatric sleeve surgery in Bangalore is the most effective surgical method adopted by the surgeons for treating patients with obesity, there are some risk factors in this surgery:
Why band-surgery is treated as safe?
This surgery is nothing but a great motivation especially to those fitness-enthusiasts who intend to lose weight steadily. You also do not have to practice rigorous or intensive workouts for losing weight as your food-intake will automatically get controlled.
What are the major responsibilities of gastro-specialists?
Do you want to get rid of obesity permanently? Well, in this case gastric surgery sleeve in Bangalore is a great solution. This surgery basically leads to the reduction of stomach-size surgically so that food-intake can be effectively control. This control over food-intake often suppresses your appetite. This appetite suppression ultimately ends up into prevention of obesity.
Almost 15-percent of stomach-size is being reduced for creating tube-like or sleeve stomach-structure. This popular procedure is currently well-known as sleeve-gastrectomy. Gastric surgery sleeve in Bangalore ends up successfully only if you choose the most experienced surgeon. This surgery offers a permanent weight-loss solution without inviting any unwanted complications.
Duties of any expert gastro-specialist:
Some of the experienced gastro-specialists often give trainings to juniors so that skilled medical-teams can be created. Newly emerged gastro-specialists always keep on making researches in order to collect more and more info about gastro-troubles. Gastro-patients are sometimes asked to go for morning or evening walks, cycling and other light kind of practices so that gastric-issues can be controlled. Extremely spicy-foods should be strictly avoided otherwise existing stomach-issues will get triggered soon.Foods need to be chewed well so that digestion-issues can be avoided. If your existing medicines are not working well then you should report about the same to your doctor.